A first-principles materials simulation code using DFT. Homepage: https://siesta-project.org/siesta
SIESTA is a program for efficient electronic structure calculations and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of molecules and solids in the framework of Density-Functional Theory (DFT). SIESTA's efficiency stems from the use of a basis set of strictly-localized atomic orbitals. A very important feature of the code is that its accuracy and cost can be tuned in a wide range, from quick exploratory calculations to highly accurate simulations matching the quality of other approaches, such as plane-wave methods.
The main web page for the project is at icmab.es/siesta.
Further information:
Siesta development is multi-pronged, with stable, beta, and various other branches with the latest features. A guide to the different versions can be found in the project wiki.
TranSiesta is now part of the executable, see the documentation for details.
The LaTeX source for the manual is in Docs/siesta.tex. Assuming you have a working Tex/LaTeX installation, you can type
make final
to generate a pdf file. Alternatively, manuals in pdf can be found in the Documentation section of the main web page. -
Tutorial material can be found also in the Documentation section of the main web page.
For bug reports, and other code suggestions, please follow the guidelines in the file Docs/REPORTING_BUGS